Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind and TRON Light Cycle
RUN both utilize a virtual queue instead of your typical standby line. That means that all guests must either obtain a virtual queue or purchase an Individual Lightning Lane to ride these rides. It doesn’t cost anything to get into a Virtual Queue, but it does involve some planning. Here are Castle Bound Travel Company’s tips and tricks when it comes to scoring a Virtual Queue return time!
First things first, to even be eligible for a Virtual Queue return time, all guests MUST have a valid park ticket and a park reservation if your ticket type requires a park reservation for the park with the ride they would like a Virtual Queue for. (For TRON, that will be Magic Kingdom, and for Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind, that will be EPCOT.) Ticket types that require a reservation are Military Salute Tickets, Annual Passholders, some Florida Resident tickets, and non-date-specific tickets. For the time being, there is NOT a Standby Queue for either of these rides. This means you will have to either join the Virtual Queue at 7 am or 1 pm (on select nights there may be an additional 6 PM virtual queue for Deluxe Resort Guests), or purchase an Individual Lightning Lane. The Virtual Queue DOES NOT cost you anything extra, and you do not have to purchase Genie+ to use the Virtual Queue; it is simply in place of a traditional standby line.
The first Virtual Queue of the day is at 7 am SHARP! (And we mean SHARP- these fill up within literal seconds!) We recommend getting into your My Disney Experience app a few minutes prior to get situated and ready!
When you open the app, you will then select the 3 “hamburger” lines on the bottom right side of your screen.
From here, you will scroll down to the MY VISIT section of the page and then select Virtual Queue.
This is where you will click Join Virtual Queue and will be immediately prompted to select your park. For Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind, you will select Epcot, and for TRON, you will select Magic Kingdom.
Here you will preselect your party that you will be riding with. Everyone who will be riding must be selected in this group. If someone does not have a valid park reservation or valid park ticket for the park with the Virtual Queue you are selecting, it will not allow you to select them. You will then click confirm party at the bottom of the page.
*You must be linked with everyone in My Disney Experience that you would like to ride with
Time for the final countdown! After selecting Confirm Party, it will bring you to a page that will give you the option to refresh. We have had the most luck pulling up a world clock that gives you the time in seconds on another device. Watch this clock closely, and when the clock hits 6:59:59, click refresh or pull down on your screen.
*If you don't have an extra device, start refreshing your screen at 6:59 continuously.
At 7 AM, it will give you the option to "JOIN VIRTUAL QUEUE". You’ll select this, and the page will start spinning- BE PATIENT and DO NOT refresh this screen. It may take a few seconds, but it will bring you to a page that shows you an estimated return time and boarding group if you were successful. In the event you didn’t get a virtual queue, it will tell you boarding groups are full and to join the 1 PM Virtual Queue.
In the event that you are then having to do the 1 PM Virtual Queue, repeat these instructions, but keep in mind you must be INSIDE of the park to join this queue!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do now that I have a Virtual Queue?
Keep an eye on your boarding group and the groups in front of you. Some days they may be running ahead of schedule, while others they may be running behind! The return times are just an estimate! Keep in mind that you have to return during the return time once your boarding group is called.
Will I have to wait in a line?
Yes! A Virtual Queue return time puts you into a line you will have to wait in. To enter this line, each person will have to scan a magic band or park ticket associated with the virtual queue boarding group.
Can I use Rider Swap?
Yes! You can use Rider Swap with your Virtual Queue. You will see the Cast Members with an iPad and let them know that you would like to use Rider Swap, and they will allow the second rider to enter the queue through the Individual Lightning Lane entrance.
What do I do if I can’t get a Virtual Queue?
Purchasing an Individual Lightning Lane is always an option! These are an additional purchase through the My Disney Experience app, and the price does fluctuate depending on the day.
Can I still get a virtual queue if I am park hopping?
Absolutely! You will just need to enter that park before 1 PM to join the 1 PM Virtual Queue.